
corn bread 玉米面包。

corn chandler

He lookt full of concern , and shaking his head said , no no , friday tell them to live good , tell them to pray god , tell them to eat corn bread , cattleflesh , milk , no eat man again : why then said i to him , they will kill you 他臉上馬上顯出鄭重其事的樣子,拼命搖著頭說: “不,不,星期五要告訴他們做好人,告訴他們要祈禱上帝,告訴他們要吃谷物面包,吃牛羊肉,喝牛羊奶,不要再吃人肉。 “我說: “那他們就會殺死你。

Examples of quick breads are corn bread , doughnuts , muffins and pancakes 例如玉米面包、甜甜圈、松餅和薄餅都屬于快速面包。

And over there , we got some corn bread 那邊有些玉米面包